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What is APFC Panel?

APFC Panels, also known as automatic power factor control panels, are Electrical Control Panels that are primarily used to improve the power factor of a given load. APFC panels are also known as power factor panels. These are used in industrial and commercial applications to regulate and maintain the power factor of electrical loads. We are an APFC panels manufacturer in India.

The power factor is a measure of how effectively electrical power is utilized in an AC circuit. It represents the ratio of real power (kW) to apparent power (kVA) and is expressed as a value between 0 and 1. A low power factor indicates inefficient power usage and can result in penalties from utility companies.

APFC panels are designed to automatically monitor and adjust the power factor by controlling the reactive power in the system. They typically consist of a power factor controller, capacitors, reactors, contactors, and other components.

A key factor in calculating electricity consumption is the power factor, which is the ratio of active power to apparent power.

An automated power factor control panel, or APFC, is used to increase power factor whenever necessary by turning the necessary capacitor bank units ON and OFF automatically with the help of special controllers.

VEM designs and manufactures APFC panels up to 2000 kVAr for a three-phase, 50Hz AC input supply and suitable for operation at any voltage between 360 to 440 volts.

We have a wide customer base in India and abroad.

Contact Us


Mr. Krishna Pachauri

+91 9456438667

Here's how APFC Panels work:

1. Measurement: The panel measures the power factor of the load using a power factor controller. It continuously monitors the power factor and calculates the reactive power requirements.

2. Capacitor Bank: Based on the power factor measurement, the APFC panel activates or deactivates the capacitors in the capacitor bank. Capacitors are used to generate reactive power and improve the power factor. When the power factor is low, capacitors are switched on to supply reactive power to the load, thereby raising the power factor. As an APFC panel manufacturer in India, we used the best-quality material.

3. Control: The panel uses contactors and switching devices to control the connection and disconnection of capacitors. The switching is done automatically based on the power factor controller's instructions.

4. Monitoring: APFC panels provide real-time monitoring of power factors, voltage, current, and other electrical parameters. They may have displays and communication interfaces to allow operators to monitor and control the power factor correction process.

Various Application of our APFC Panels

Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) panels are widely used in electrical systems to improve power factors, optimize energy consumption, and enhance the overall efficiency of power distribution. Here are some applications of APFC panels:

  1. Industrial Plants: APFC panels are extensively used in industrial plants where there are multiple motors and other inductive loads. By monitoring the reactive power and adjusting the capacitor banks automatically, APFC panels maintain the power factor close to unity, reducing energy losses and penalties due to poor power factor.

  2. Commercial Buildings: In commercial buildings such as offices, shopping malls, and hotels, APFC panels are employed to regulate and improve the power factor. These buildings often have various electrical loads, including lighting, HVAC systems, elevators, and escalators. APFC panels ensure efficient power usage, reducing utility costs and optimizing energy consumption.

  3. Manufacturing Facilities: Manufacturing units with heavy machinery and equipment that involve motors, compressors, and other inductive loads can benefit from APFC panels. By actively controlling the reactive power, these panels improve the power factor, minimize voltage drops, and enhance the overall stability of the electrical system.

  4. Data Centers: APFC panels play a crucial role in data centers where uninterrupted power supply is critical. Data centers consume significant amounts of power due to the operation of servers, cooling systems, and backup systems. APFC panels help maintain a stable power factor, reducing power losses and improving the reliability and efficiency of the electrical infrastructure.

  5. Renewable Energy Systems: APFC panels find applications in renewable energy systems, particularly in solar power plants and wind farms. These systems often have fluctuations in power generation due to environmental factors. APFC panels help regulate power factors to ensure a stable grid connection and maximize the utilization of renewable energy resources.

  6. Hospitals: APFC panels are employed in hospitals to maintain a high power factor and minimize power losses. Hospitals have a diverse range of electrical equipment, including medical devices, lighting, HVAC systems, and various equipment in operation around the clock. APFC panels enable efficient power usage, reducing energy costs and improving the performance of critical electrical systems.

  7. Commercial Refrigeration: In industries that require refrigeration systems, such as cold storage warehouses, food processing plants, and supermarkets, APFC panels help improve power factors and minimize reactive power demand. These panels optimize energy consumption and enhance the overall efficiency of refrigeration systems, leading to cost savings.

In summary, APFC panels have a broad range of applications across industries and sectors, helping to maintain a stable power factor, reduce energy losses, and improve the overall efficiency of electrical systems.

Contact Us


Mr. Krishna Pachauri

+91 9456438667

APFC Specifications

  • Input Voltage: 380 / 400 / 415 / 440 / 690 VAC 3 phase, 50Hz.

  • Capacity: 2000kVAr

  • Number of steps: 1 – 16.

  • Incomer ACB, MCCB with HRC.

  • Configuration: Delta / Star floating / Star grounded.




  • Panel type: Standard / Modular – Partly compartmentalized / Compartmentalized.


  • Protection Class: IP 40

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